Recently, many cities across the country have either considered upgrading to energy efficient streetlights or have already made the switch. By installing new, energy efficient fixtures, cities can reduce electricity costs and save energy without compromising the safety of their residents. If city officials are considering upgrading their lighting solutions, they should contact energy efficiency consultants at Lumenistics.
West Allis, Wisconsin first began installing energy efficient lighting fixtures to better illuminate the city’s streets about two years ago and now plans to expand their use of the updated lights. According to West Allis Now, white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were installed to help the city reduce their energy consumption.
The city said the new lights use about half as much as the previously installed sodium-vapor lights. All of the streetlights in West Allis will eventually be upgraded to the new LED fixtures, according to West Allis Now. The new lights will also last longer, helping the city cut back on maintenance costs.
“It means a lot in terms of efficiency and a lot in terms of maintenance,” said Michael Lewis, director of the West Allis Department of Public Works.
California city council considers underpass upgrades
Across the country, in Redlands, California, city officials have been considering installing LED lighting to replace the ceiling lighting that currently lights the underpasses in the downtown area, according to the Press Enterprise.
By upgrading to energy efficient lighting, Redlands would be able to reduce energy costs in the high traffic area where as many as 17,000 vehicles pass through each day, the Press Enterprise reported.